Greenchild G777 Dual Channel Overdrive Pedal Review

Greenchild G777 Dual Channel Overdrive Pedal Review

The G777 dual overdrive pedal is the latest offering from Mason from Greenchild.  This pedal is made in the USA and features two music channels that can be used on their own or together for extra drive, sustain, and gain.


  • Two mechanically isolated channels
  • Transparent buffered input/output
  • Boosted power supply with 30 volts of dynamic headroom (+/- 15V)
  • Symmetrical soft clipping
  • Versatile tone stack
  • Unique gain and EQ topologies
  • Boost (Channel #2 ) with up to 18dB of non-distorted, post signal volume control


How does it Sound?

To my ear, the left side of the pedal sounds very Vox like in tonality.  It definitely has a class A sounding tone.  It’s not based precisely on a Vox by any means, but that’s the closest approximation of sound I can compare it with.  The right side is more of a boost/low gain overdrive that can pretty much do anything you like in terms of EQ thanks to the Mid control.  You can scoop out the mids or add them in for a fatter sound.  The Tilt control adds more or less top end, so, between the Tilt and Mid control, good things can happen.  The right side of the pedal is also pretty low gain in terms of dirt too, but it packs a punch.

The video above is a very detailed video of the pedal and how it sounds in all positions on the controls. The video below shows how simple it is to get a very usable sound with very little to no tweaking.

Who is this pedal for?

Players who are looking for a 2 in 1 that is different will appreciate this effects pedal. The Greenchild G777 is best suited to folks playing rock and roll or classic rock.  The reason why its best suited to those styles is the voicing of the left (red) channel.  Being it’s also very class A, it would also work great for country pickers who are looking for that class A sound matched with a Telecaster.  It will, of course, do blues, but I feel it would be more of a classic rock and country style pedal.

Being that the left side of the pedal has a lot of clarity means it will work great for both humbucker pickups as well as single coils.  This pedal is an excellent addition to the Greenchild line up, and it’s also made it into my top 5 pedals of 2016.  Great job, Greenchild!