SviSound HV High Voltage Booster Pedal Review
The SviSound 24 Volt Booster is a great little pedal from Mark at SviSound. Not only is the design amazing, but what this pedal does, it does fantastic. Let’s talk about the wizardry inside this pedal. You power the HV Boost with a regular 9-volt power supply like any other pedal out there, but thanks to some internal voltage up-scaling, it boosts the output to 24v. This little internal wizardry makes this little pedal LOUD!

I love simple pedals. Nothing about this pedal is complicated to get great results, so it gets a 10/10 for simplicity. There’s one pot on the top that controls the gain/volume of the pedal. A two-way toggle switch is labeled “n” and “t.” The “n” is a lower-end boost, while the “t” is a top-end boost. For me, this pedal lives on the “n” setting, but if you’re looking for a treble booster, you’re also in luck.

SviSound HV Boost Review Video
Check out the video below for a SviSound HV Boost Pedal demo.
How to use the High Voltage Booster Pedal
Another benefit of the SviSound High Voltage Booster is you can use it before or after other pedals. Let’s say you have your overdrive pedal on. If you run the HV boost before that pedal, you’ll get more gain without much more volume. By also having the pedal set to “t” you’ll add clarity to your tone. If you run the HV Boost after your overdrive, you’ll get one heck of a volume boost while retaining your original tone.
This is a great little boutique pedal from Mark at SviSound. It’s no secret I am a huge fan of his products, and this mini-pedal is no exception. One thing I would have liked added to it is a middle position which would be neutral in terms of tone, but the “n” setting is your tone and a little more, which is great. I highly recommend his pedals to those interested in unique and innovative ones. Not only are the SviSound pedals unique, but they also sound unique—8/10 for Mark at SviSound on this little beauty. Read more SviSound Reviews here.